7 Biggest Cow in the World
Biggest Cow in the World
Cow is one of the mammals that are often kept by humans. Because many can be used from cows, namely meat, milk, skin or bones. Various skin crafts have been using a lot of cow leather. Breeders now have a lot of the largest cattle, cows can be used for example for victims, or just kept it.There are various types of cows, ranging from brahman cows, beef cattle, and dairy cows. Generally, people prefer to keep beef or dairy cattle, as they can be used to produce meat and milk.Various cows are separated by their classification, ranging from large cows, smallest cows, or cows with a unique shape. Cow with a large body of course has a heavy weight, so it can be regarded as the largest cow in the world.Here is the info on the list of the largest types of cattle in the world, and it turns out that the Indonesian cow gets into the list.
7. Blossom Cow
Patty Hanson is the man who gave the name Blossom to his pet cow. In the past year, Guinness of Records visited the Patty Ranch located Orangeville, United States to take pictures of the cow blossom.Since childhood, Patty says that the weight of the milking cow is heavier twice than the other newborn cows. As time progressed, her cow's body and weight became larger. Patty named Blossom when her cow was 8 weeks old.But eventually the cow blossom died due to injury to the legs. At that time the cow blossom is the highest sati world with a height of about 1.95 meters. After Blossom's cow died, the Guinness of Records awarded the highest cattle owner in the world throughout history.6. Mount Katahdin Cow
Furthermore, Guiness of Record recorded a world record with the highest cattle category in the world that is held by a cow named Moun Katahdin. This cow lived in 1906 and ended its life in 1910. Mount Katahdin cows belong to the Holstein-Durham type. This cow has a body circumference of 3.96 meters and a height of about 1.88 meters.5. Chilli Cattle
Chilli beef is a cow originating from Indonesia and has recorded the record for the largest cow muri in Indonesia. Dairy cows are classified into the type of FH cattle and has a body weight of 1 ton and a height of about 1.97 meters.Type Cow Chilli is the mascot of a company company in Indonesia named PT Agro Fauna Kertosari. But in the end Chilli cattle must end his life as an animal sacrifice Eid al-Adha in 2014. Even according to the news of this cow can produce 6359 liters of cow's milk every year. What a great record for Indonesia.4. Cow Britain
This cow is included into the largest cattle in the land of Great Britain with a body weight reached 1.6 tons. This cow managed to grow up with a healthy and has more meat than other cows. Since birth cattle Britain already has a gepuk body shape so that the development of his body more sporadic than other cows.3. Bellino Cattle
Cow better known by the name of Giuseppe Solla has a body height of 2.1 meters. This cow is from the Italian country, and in 2010 the height of this cow is known after the owner made his own measurement of this cow height.2. Florino Cattle
The name of Florino's cow was given by the owner, Antonio Sola. Cow originating from Italy has a height of 205 meters or about 6 feet 8 inches. With a height of 2 meters, the height of Florino cows is much farther than the height of humans in Indonesia.
1. Chilean beef
Has a name that is only different 1 letter from an Indonesian cow called Cow Chile. Chilean beef is a cow originating from the UK. Chile's weight is heavier than Chilli's, but the height of Chile's beef is lower than that of Chilli.
This cow has a weight of 1.25 tons and a body height of about 1.95 meters.Thus unique info about the 7 largest cattle in the world. And hopefully with the times, many cows grow with a large body so that it can break the record of Guinness of Records.
7 Biggest Cow in the World
Reviewed by kabarword.live
2:24 AM

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