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Grandmother of 100 Years Getting a Gold Medal in a 100 Meter sprint race

Grandmother of 100 Years Getting a Gold Medal in a 100 Meter sprint race

A runner should have a healthy young body is also strong endurance, a person can be said athlete runner if it meets the conditions that have been set, the age limit was definitely there. But all that seemed disrupted by an Indian grandmother, the grandmother named Man Kaur is a woman who comes from Chandigarh, India is very strong and tough. He is now 100 years old, but he is still fit and healthy.

Having a very old age, he was able to win the title and get a gold medal from a sprint sprint competition 100 meters away. Man Kaur itself takes almost 90 seconds to reach the finish line at a run of 100 meters distance. He managed to win and get the gold medal, Man Kaur is the only female participant at the American Masters Games held in Vancouver. The competition is devoted to the elderly, opposed to Man Kaur himself has an opponent who almost most are still below the age, which is about 70 to 80 years.

The boy named Gurdev Singh said the mother must be very happy because of getting a gold medal for his country India. Not only the gold medal in the 100 meter sprint sprint, but Man also managed to win the sport of shotgun and javelin which both won gold medal. Gurdev was also involved in the Olympics, he said that he helped encourage the mother to start practicing walking when she was 93 years old because the mother has no control on her knees or the heart.

Currently you've collected more than 20 gold medals that he got from Masters Games that exist around the world. That's what makes him confident to encourage other elderly such as himself to be active in old age.Rhe World Master Games itself is an Olympic event held every 4 years. The average who follows the age of 49 years and older.
Grandmother of 100 Years Getting a Gold Medal in a 100 Meter sprint race Reviewed by on 2:34 AM Rating: 5

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