Places Of Interest Soekarno Bridge In Manado city - Indonesia
Places Of Interest Soekarno Bridge In Manado city - Indonesia
Traveling to Manado is not just about its natural beauty. You can try touring on the bridge at a place in Manado.The bridge that you can visit is named Soekarno Bridge. One of the icons in Manado was only completed last year, 2015 after being dormant for 12 years and cost about 300.28 billion. The Soekarno Bridge was originally built in 2003 when Megawati Soekarno Putri became President of Republik Indonesia.
And in 2015 inaugurated Jokowi, president of RI now after the bridge completed. Up here you can see the beautiful carvings of God in the form of Manado Old Island in the middle of Manado Bay. The grandeur of this bridge, making it a new tourist icon owned by Manado City.
The existence of this bridge becomes one of the attractions in Manado, which is like a large building that stands for sturdy fishing boats. You can also see rows of homes and shophouses that line the bridge.
The Soekarno Bridge is a bridge between Jalan Boulevard I and Boulevard II Road and by Manado pass which is part of Manado Outer Ring Road or MORR. At first, the name of this bridge is Nyiur Nyambai Bridge in accordance with the City of Manado, but according to the community proposal slowly this bridge named Bridge Soekarno.
The bankruptcy that occurred during 12 years is due to technical constraints during the bridge work. This constraint occurs due to a design change in the design of the foundation and changes in specifications on K-500 concrete. Which of the conventional concrete is converted into large-volume concrete on pile cap and pylon.
In addition to these constraints, there are other obstacles such as the change of traveler form from cantiliver model to underslang, to test the load of traveler, re-check the main span design on independent proven checker (IPC). Another constraint occurs when the middle span connecting process is exposed to weather resistance with high rainfall. The recent earthquake and flood disaster activity is also a barrier.
The 1127 km long bridge is not only passed by motor vehicles but also passed pedestrians. There are two two-way pathways that can pass for anyone. Two paths on the edge are used for slower passes.
Since the Soekarno Bridge was opened public, this bridge has many benefits. The benefit is to break down the congestion, speed up access to buying and selling, as access to tourist attractions in Manado.Karena this bridge seems designed to enjoy the tours in Manado.
Blue sea plains accompanied by the beauty of Manado Tua Island and Bunaken Marine Park will make you amazed and want to linger. Not only that, your vacation seemed not complete if not yet here. Interested in a vacation at the Soekarno Bridge?
# Places Of Interest Soekarno Bridge In Manado city - Indonesia
Places Of Interest Soekarno Bridge In Manado city - Indonesia
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2:56 PM
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